WNDiS Does All These Things for Free :

Checking that you are getting the right benefits and offer advice and support for applications for PIP (Personal Independence Payments) and other disability welfare benefits

  • Giving support if applications are unsuccessful, including providing advocacy at Tribunals
  • Giving information on equipment, accessible holidays and sign posting (giving information about) to other useful services e.g. for money advice, housing, and employment opportunities
  • Giving support you need at work or at school
  • Lobbying for improvements to services for disabled people. We are involved in campaigning on local and national issues.
    We work alongside the Norwich based Equal Lives: https://equallives.org.uk and the Equality and Human Rights Commission, following through cases to do with the Equality Act 2010, campaigning against care charges, poor access to public buildings and other issues that affect our daily lives
  • Our office hours are 9.30 – 5 Monday – Thursday. If necessary, leave us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.